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Church Service groups
Destiny maker Church has a few groups through which the God given gift of the members is revealed, enhanced and used for the glory of God and also for an efficient and effective running of the ministry.
They are the following :
Choir Group :
Our choir group role is to bring the
church into the presence of God through
worship and praise and prepare them to receive
the word and the blessing of the Lord .
Interpretation group :
The interpretation group is responsible of Interpreting in both English and French during the activities of the church by making sure the congregation receives and is transformed by the word of God in both languages.
Evangelisation group :
God’s primary will is for all to
be saved and it’s towards that goal
that the evangelisation group works
and strives by using different means
of communication to reach the community
(flyers, radio, social media etc...).
Usher group :
Responsible of receiving worshippers with warm welcome and ushering them to their seats with joy. They are also tasked with ensuring and maintaining order during the service and providing information to the worshippers if need be.
Sanctuary keeper group :
Serving God by keeping the sanctuary and
all other convenient facilities and other
associated property clean, before
and after the service
Sound and video group :
Mainly responsible for installing, testing, and maintaining the audio and communication systems for the church and make sure everything functions perfectly during the church service.
Children Sunday school group :
Teaching and sharing with the children
God’s love through the word of God,
bible games, songs and videos and
building them based on Christian
foundations and values.

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